LS-OPT 4.0 released
The main focus of Version 4 has been the development of a new graphical postprocessor. The following features have been added:
1. The Viewer has been redesigned completely to accommodate a multi-window formate using a split-window and detachable window feature.
2. The Correlation matrix visualizing scatter plots, histograms and correlation values for simulation variables and results has been added.
3. For visualizing the Pareto Optimal Frontier, Hyper-Radial Visualization and Parallel Coordinate plots have been added.
4. Multiple points can be selected to create a table of response values.
5. Point highlighting is cross-connected between plot types.
6. An interface for the METAPost postprocessor has been added, that allows the extraction of results from any package supported by METAPost.
7. Many of the features such as the Reliability-Based Design Optimization have been significantly accelerated.
8. The Blackbox queuing system has been streamlined in terms of providing better diagnostics and a special queuing system Honda has been added.
Presentation slides on new developments in Version 4.0:
More information on LS-OPT 4.0 :