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Integrating Abaqus as a user-defined solver

In this example, Abaqus is used as a user-defined solver to determine material parameters by adapting an output curve to a given test curve.

The LS-OPT setup specifying Abaqus as solver is shown in the Figure below.


boxopti.inp is the Abaqus input file, abqstart.sh is a script that executes Abaqus. Note that the last statement of the command writes 'N o r m a l' to stdout on success.

The input file is parameterized using the LS-OPT parameter format <<>>:

lfac = <<lfac>>
rfac = <<rfac>>


The result extraction is executed using the Python program getVeloNode.py that extracts histories from the Abaqus output. The Python program is called from the solver script and exports a response history to the file abqdispres.dat.
The definition of the user-defined history is shown in the Figure below. Since getVeloNode.py already generates a file in 2-column format, it just has to be copied to LsoptHistory.


This curve is compared to a given test curve dyn-1.disp-5396.dat by computing a Mean Squared Error composite.


Linux: Abaqus_linux.tar.gz

Windows: Abaqus_windows.7z