LS-OPT provides a user-defined interface to extract history and response results, respectively.
Any user-defined program, e.g. C, Fortran or Perl programs, or any post-processors, e.g. LS-PrePost may be used to extract results. The program is called from the run directories. This has to be considered if relative paths are used.
User-defined Histories
The user-defined program is used to produce a file named LsoptHistory containing xy data in a 2-column format. LS-OPT uses the file LsoptHistory only as a temporary file and stores the values in the LS-OPT database directly after the extraction. Hence defining multiple user-defined histories is not a problem, in the end, the LsoptHistory will contain the values of the last defined history.
In this example, the post-processor
LS-PrePost is used to extract a history result.The LS-PrePost command file get_force is given below.
open d3plot d3plot ascii rcforc open rcforc 0 ascii rcforc plot 4 Ma-1 xyplot 1 savefile xypair LsoptHistory 1 deletewin 1 quit
To create the LS-PprePost command file, execute the appropriate commands in LS-PrePost. LS-PrePost saves the executed steps in the command file lspost.cfile. Make sure that the name of the output file is LsoptHistory.
User-defined Responses
The user-defined program has to output a single floating-point number to standard output.
In this example, a Perl program is used to extract a response.
An example for a Perl program extracting a response result is given below.
#!/usr/bin/perl # open file open(IN,"results.txt"); $i = 0; # variable to count line number # read file while(<IN>){ # first value in 10th line is response value if ($i == 10){ @output = split; last; } $i++; } # print value to standard output print ("$output[0]\n"); # close file close(IN);