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SetupFAQs regarding setup of an optimization problem in LS-OPThttps://www.lsoptsupport.com/faqs/setuphttps://www.lsoptsupport.com/@@site-logo/LS-Opt-Support-Logo480x80.png
FAQs regarding setup of an optimization problem in LS-OPT
There are three strategies for automating the metamodel-based optimization procedure. These strategies apply to the tasks Metamodel-based Optimization and RBDO, and are available in the Task dialog.
In this part, we’ll look deeper into how the space filling point sampling algorithm works. Also, the definition of sampling constraints will be explained.
LS-OPT can handle discrete variables and even discrete variables in combination with continuous variables, as well as discrete variables with string values.
A probabilistic variable is completely described using a statistical distribution. The statistical distribution defines the mean or nominal value as well as the variation around this nominal value.