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LS-OPT cannot find the output file from the FE preprocessor

To run a FE preprocessor befor the solver run, usually two dependent stages are defined.

Because the output file of the pre-processor has to be used as input by the solver, the setup is important. There are at least three ways of setting up a preprocessor run:

  1. Specify the output file of the pre-processor as an include file of the solver.
  2. Copy the output file to the base file of the solver. E.g. if lsppout is the output file name of the pre-processor, copy lsppout to DynaOpt.inp which is the standard base file name for the LS-DYNA solver type. An inter or intra-stage file operation is used for this purpose (see Points 1 to 3 below).
  3. Rename the base file name of the solver to the output file name of the pre-processor. E.g. if the output file name of the pre-processor is lsppout rename the basefile of the solver (in this case the LS-DYNA type) from DynaOpt.inp to lsppout. LS-DYNA will then use i=lsppout as part of the solver command.

It should be noted that both the pre-processor and the solver can be run in the same directory by selecting
the Run Job in Directory of Stage option in the Setup tab of the Stage dialog. They can both be run in the
directory of the pre-processor or the solver.

  1. If they are both run in the pre-processor directory, a copy file operation should be specified in the File Operations tab to copy the file after the pre-processor stage.
  2. If they are both run in the solver directory, a copy file operation should be specified in the File Operations tab to copy the file before the solver stage.
  3. If they are run in different directories (i.e. their own home directories), an inter-stage copy operation
    should be specified.