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History of the Variables

  1. Choose the tab "Viewer". In the new window select History under the category Optimization.
  2. Select the variable Area.










→ The deployment of the variable value (red) and the bounds of the region of interest (blue) during the optimization process. The optimum value of the variable Area is computed as 1.6.



  1. Select the variable Base.
  2. Click on the graph to get the value of the variable. If you do this, you will see a table, which states all the available data at each iteration (see the next figure).


→ The deployment of the variable value (red) and the bounds of the region of interest (blue) during the optimization process. The optimum value of the variable Base is computed as 0.38.



  1. Select the constraint Stress.
  2. As Value to Plot choose RBDO Upper Bound Probability.


→ The probability of exceeding the the upper bound has converged to 0.05.
