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Home Screen Process Flowchart

  1. Click on the Add (denoted as +) located in the control bar.
  2. Select the option Add Composite from the list.                                                                

A window Composites shall open.

add a composite

Composite Definition

  1. Select the option Standard Composite for the type of composite under the list for Add new.

A  separate window named as Composites shall open.


add composite type

Add Composite

  1. Enter the Name for composite as Intrusions.
  2. Add Disp2 as the first component.
  3. Add Disp1 as the second component.

Define composite intrusion

  1. For Multiplier for Disp2 enter -1.
  2. Check for the Divisor for Disp2 at 1 (default).
  3. Check for the Multiplier for Disp1 at 1 (default).
  4. Check for the Divisor for Disp1 at 1 (default).
  5. Click on the OK button to proceed.

The composite is calculated as a weighted sum of the defined components, in this case

Intrusion = -Disp2+Disp1


Composites Review

  1. The defined composite can be reviewed in the main page of the Composites under the Composite definition. Necessary changes can be made by selecting the choice.
  2. To delete a Composite definition click on the cross button (denoted as X).
  3. Additional Composite can be added from the choice available under the Add new list as earlier.  
  4. Click on the OK button to proceed.
compostite review01