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In order to complete the Process Flowchart and before defining further settings in e.g. Setup, Sampling and Constraints, all the load cases that are considered in this sensitivity analysis (US_NCAP, IIHS, Torsion and EVA) are constructed.

Home Screen Process Flowchart

  1. Double click on the US_NCAP box.                                                                 
A window Stage US_NCAP shall open.



Define Input File Name and Command for US_NCAP

  1. Select the Setup tab.
  2. Select the Package Name LS-DYNA.
  3. For Command specify jobsubmit_lsopt.sh (This is a script that submits the LS-DYNA jobs to a cluster and needs to be replaced by an appropriate command available on your system).
  4. For Input File browse the parameterized file Combine_US_NCAP.k. Parameters are defined using *PARAMETER.
  5. For efficient usage of the computing power from the machine, choice on handling number of concurrent jobs can be made suitably in this section. For more details see FAQ resources.
  6. In case you run the LS-DYNA jobs on a cluster, activate Use Queuing and select the respective queuing system, e.g. PBS, for interfacing with load sharing facilities to enable running simulation jobs across a network.

The parameters defined in the selected Input File can be visualized in the adjoining tab Parameters.
