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Design Parameters for Crash Case.


  1. Select the Parameters tab.
  2. The Name of the various design parameters are   listed here.
  3. The created parameters are read from the file   Combine_US_NCAP.k.











  • The defined design parameters in Combine_US_NCAP.k are displayed on the right side for reference.



$ ===============
$ ===============
R rplate1 2.51     
R rplate2 1.52     
R rail_O  1.91     
R mreinf  2.55     
R rail_I  1.9      
R mreinf2 2.4      
R subfr   2.25     
R subfr_l 2.25     
R arm_top 2.25     
R arm_bot 2.25     
R tie_bar 4.3      
R bump_FT 2.85     
R hood_I  .8       
R hreinf3 1.22     
R sreinf  2.5      
R A_pil_O 1.4      
R A_pil_I 2.       
R firewal .75      
R toe_pan 1.9      
R t_floor .8       
R radiat  3.6      
I mat_rO  270      
I mat_rI  270      
I mat_fw  270      
I mat_tp  300      
I mat_fl  270      
I mat_hd  240      