Metamodel- Restart the LS-OPT Viewer either in the LS-OPTui by clicking on the Restart viewer button or click on new plot icon on the menu bar .
- Select under Metamodel the item Surface.

Set up the panels- Select the Setup panel.
- Choose max_intrusion_rail_l as z-coordinate.
- Set the variables rail_l and arm_top as x- and y-coordinate, respectively.
(The sliders allow changing the variable values for unselected variables (variables not plotted). The slider for the active variables can be activated by selecting the “Predicted Value” option, a purple cross is displayed on the metamodel showing the values for the selection.) - Select Constraints.
(Constraints are displayed on the surface. Feasible regions are in green, the shade of red shows the degree of infeasibility (number of violated constraints), the colored line show the location where the constraints are exactly met.) - Go to the Points panel.
- Turn Iterations to All.
- Show all the feasible and infeasible points.
- Select Show Residuals.
(Shows the deviation between the metamodel and predicted values as black vertical line.)
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→The residuals are mainly small, thus you can say this is a well approximated metamodel. Note the legend describing violated constraints on the top right. |  |
Select now for response max_intrusion_steering and for variables rail_l and A_pil_l. →In comparison with the figure above the metamodel is not so well approximated. Almost all residuals are large. |  |