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This plot visualizes history curves based on time data or crossplots obtained from simulations.

  1. Restart the LS-OPT Viewer either in the LS-OPTui by clicking on the Restart viewer button or click on  new plot icon on the menu bar .
  2. Select under Simulations the item Histories.























  1. As x-coordinate select time.
  2. Choose intrusion_rail_l as y-coordinate.
  3. Set the variables rail_l  as c-coordinate.
    (C-coordinate affects the color of each curve dependend on the value of the c-coordinate.)













→ History curves of 60 simulations for intrusion_rail_l. The value of the variable rail_l determines the color of each curve.
There you can see, that the variable rail_l has a considerable influence on the response max_intrusion_rail_l.










Choose now accel_seat_average as y-coordinate and leave the variable rail_l as c-coordinate.

→The chaotic behaviour does not mean inevitable, that the variable does not have an influence on the response. It could be, that the influence of other variables leads to this behaviour.