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Choose the Sampling


For the load case US_NCAP:

  1. Select the Sampling tab.
  2. Select the load case US_NCAP.
  3. For METAMODEL select from the list Polynomial response surface.
  4. For approximation Order of the Polynomial model we take Linear.
    (At this point, we took a linear polynomial metamodel, because the model is too large to be able to performe enought simulations to show nonlinearities. If possible, it's better to do more simulations and use e.g. Radial Basis Function Networks.)
  5. Make sure that the Point Selection is set to Space Filling.
  6. Type 60 for Number of Simulation Points.
    (approx. 2*number of variables recommanded for DOE)
  7. Make sure that the Compute Global Sensitivities is selected for all load cases. It is necessary for the global sensitivity analysis - Sobol (see Results → Sensitivities).


For the load case IIHS:

Repeat steps 3 and 4. For Point Selection choose Duplicate and for Case US_NCAP, thus the simulation points are the same as for US_NCAP.

For the load case Torsion:

Repeat steps 3 - 5 and type 75 for the Number of Simulation Points. We take here a larger number because for the load case Torsion and EVA are more variables defined.

For the load case EVA:

Repeat steps 3 and 4. For Point Selection choose Duplicate and for Case Torsion, thus the simulation points are the same as for Torsion.