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Define the Responses


Define mass:

  1. Select the Responses tab.
  2. From the possible response types select: MASS.
  3. For Parts to be included select: All Parts.
  4. For Attribute choose Mass.
  5. For Case switch to US_NCAP.
  6. For Response Name enter mass.
  7. Push the Add button.








 Define maximum acceleration:

  1. From the possible response types select: Response-Expression.
  2. For algebraic expression enter: -Min("accel_left_seat(t)").
    (To define the expressions we can use here histories, that we defined in the Histories tab.)
    Because the x-axis is defined in opposite direction of motion, we have to define the expressions for maximum as "-minimum".
  3. For Case switch to US_NCAP.
  4. For Response Name enter max_accel_left_seat.
  5. Push the Add button.


For the rest of the maximum acceleration-responses ( e.g. max_accel_right_seat, max_accel_engine_top, max_accel_engine_bottom,  max_accel_B_pillar_r, max_accel_B_pillar_l ) repeat the steps 1 to 5, updating the algebraic expressions and Names.

The same applies to responses for maximum intrusion.





Define torsional stiffness: 

Before defining torsional stiffness we have to define two other response-expressions. These are the maximum x-moment (max_x_moment = Max("x_moment(t)") ) and the maximum torsion angle ( max_torsion_angle = Max("torsion_angle(t)") ).

  1. From the possible response types select: Response-Expression.  
  2. For algebraic expression enter: max_x_moment/max_torsion_angle.
  3. For Case switch to Torsion.
  4. For Response Name enter tors_stiffness.
  5. Push the Add button.




 Define frequency mode 7:

  1. From the possible response types select: FREQUENCY.
  2. For Baseline Mode Number type 7.
  3. For Modal Output Option select Frequency of Mode.
  4. For Case switch to EVA.
  5. For Response Name enter Frequ_mode_7.
  6. Push the Add button.


Repeat steps 1 to 6 for frequency mode 8.