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Define the Histories

Histories are vectorial output entities of the simulations, e.g. displacement over time curves. Histories may be used to define scalar output entities, e.g. the maximal displacement.


Load case US_NCAP

Define x-acceleration of nodes:

  1. Select the Histories tab.
  2. From the possible history types select: NODOUT.
  3. For Component select from the list Acceleration.
  4. For Direction select X Component.
  5. For Node ID enter 3740178.
    (The acceleration of the left seat is measured by node 3740178.
    To see the position of the node click on the ID-number.)
  6. For Filtering choose SAE Filter.
  7. Enter 60.0 for Frequency.
  8. For Case switch to US_NCAP.
  9. For History Name enter accel_left_seat.
  10. Push the Add button.


For the rest of the Acceleration-Histories ( e.g. accel_right_seat,  accel_engine_top, accel_engine_bottom,  accel_B_pillar_r, accel_B_pillar_l ) repeat the steps 2 to 10, updating only the Node IDs and Names.






Define intrusion:

  1. From the possible history types select: NODOUT.
  2. For Component select from the list Deformation.
  3. For Direction select X Component.
  4. For Coordinate System select Local.
  5. For Identifier Type switch to ID.
  6. For Local x-axis from enter 2362340 to 2352390, 3rd node ID 2214602.
  7. For Measured Node ID enter 2057404.
    (To see the position of the node click on the ID-number.)
  8. For Reference Node ID enter 2362340.
  9. For Filtering choose None.
  10. For Case switch to US_NCAP.
  11. For History Name enter intrusion_rail_l.
  12. Push the Add button.


For the rest of the Intrusion-Histories ( e.g. intrusion_rail_r,  intrusion_break_pedal, intrusion_gas_pedal, intrusion_steering, intrusion_firewall_left, intrusion_firewall_right) repeat the steps 1 to 12, updating only the Measured Node IDs and Names.










 Define an Expression:

Now we would like to calculate the average accelaration of a seat. Therefore we use the predefined histories accel_left_seat and accel_right_seat.

  1. From the possible history types select: Expression.
  2. In the input field for an algebraic expression enter (accel_left_seat+accel_right_seat)/2.
  3. For Case switch to US_NCAP.
  4. For History Name enter accel_seat_average.
  5. Push the Add button.



 Define the same histories for the load case IIHS, that you defined for the load case US_NCAP.


Load case Torsion

Define Displacement:

  1. From the possible history types select: RBDOUT.
  2. For Rigid Body ID enter 2000804.
  3. For Component select from the list Displacement.
  4. For Direction select Z Component.
  5. For Case switch to Torsion.
  6. For History Name enter z_displ_2000804.
  7. Push the Add button.


Repeat steps 1 to 7 to define other displacements ( e.g. z_displ_2000805, y_displ_2000804, y_displ_2000805), updating the IDs, Directions and Names.



Define X-Moment:

  1. From the possible history types select: SECFORC.
  2. For Section ID enter 1.
  3. For Component select from the list X moment.
  4. For Filtering choose None.
  5. For Case switch to Torsion.
  6. For History Name enter x_monent.
  7. Push the Add button.








 Define the torsion angle:

We need to define two expressions before calculating torsion angle. The first one is the difference between the displacements in z direction we defined above (z_diff = z_displ_2000804 - z_displ_2000805). And the second one ist the difference between the coordinates of the displacements in y direction ( y_coord_diff = y_displ_2000804 - y_displ_2000805+1122.4566) The value 1122.4566 is the initial distance between the y coordinates.

Now we can define the torsion angle:

  1. From the possible history types select: Expression.
  2. In the input field for an algebraic expression enter atan(z_diff/y_coord_diff).
  3. For Case switch to Torsion.
  4. For History Name enter torsion_angle.
  5. Push the Add button.