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Fringe Plot

Display the Statistics in LS-PrePost (D3Plot)

  1. Select the DYNA Stats panel.
  2. Click on Create button.











  1. Select Fringe plot for the type of plot.



Display the Statistics in LS-PrePost (D3Plot) - Mean

  1. Select z_displacement from the list.
  2. Go to the next panel.













  1. For what to plot select Statistic of D3Plot data.
  2. Choose Mean as statistic.
  3. Go to the next panel.












  1. Give a name to this plot, e.g. z_disp-mean.
  2. Push the Finish button.





The figure shows the mean of the z-displacement at time 0.99963s.

→ The minimum occurs at node 259 (min=-64.0775) and the maximum at node 429 (max=0.0167412).

Display the Statistics in LS-PrePost (D3Plot) - Standard deviation

  • It follows the way above, except:
  1. By the second step, choose Std Dev (Standard deviation) as statistic.












  1. By the last step, give a name to this plot, e.g. z_disp-std_dev.






The figure shows the standard deviation of the z-displacement at time 0.99963s.

→ The maximum occurs at node 473 (max = 2.09546) where the deformation is large.

Display the Statistics in LS-PrePost (D3Plot) - Correlation

  1. Select z_displacement from the list.
  2. Check the Correlation with response check box.
  3. Choose the response TOP_DISP.
  4. Go to the next panel.










  1. For what to plot select Statistic of D3Plot data.
  2. For analysis methed, choose Use actual FEA results.
  3. Go to the next panel.












  1. Give a name to this plot, e.g. z_disp-corr.
  2. Push the Finish button.





The  figure shows the correlation of the z-displacement with the response TOP_DISP at time 0.99963s.

→ The red areas distinguish positive correlation (positive changes in the response are associated with positive changes in the displacement), the dark blue areas distinguish negative correlation (positive changes in the response are associated withe negative changes in the displacement or vice versa). Furthermore green areas mark no correlation.